Homemade Christmas Munch Recipe!
  • 14 Cups Popped Popcorn
  • ½ Cup Butter
  • ½ Cup Karo Corn Syrup
  • 1 Cup Sugar
  • ½ Teaspoon Salt
  • ½ Teaspoon Vanilla
  • 10 Miniature Snickers Cut in Pieces
  • ½ Cup Pretzel Sticks
  • ¼ Cup Mini Chocolate Chips
  • ¼ Cup Peanuts (Salted or Unsalted)
  1. Pre-heat your oven to 250 Degrees.
  2. Combine the Butter, Karo Corn Syrup, Sugar, and Salt into a sauce pan and cook it on the stove until the ingredients begin to boil (be sure to stir this while it is on the stove). Keep in mind that this mixture will start to boil after the butter and sugar have melted.
  3. After the butter and sugar have melted, let it boil for 4 minutes (do not stir during the 4 minutes).
  4. Remove from heat and add in the vanilla.
  5. Put the popcorn into the large baking pan that has been sprayed with cooking spray so that the popcorn does not stick. Pour the mixture over the top of the popcorn and mix it in with a spatula (I found that if I sprayed my spatula with cooking spray it didn’t stick to the sugar as much). Also, I recommend that you “fold in” the mixture so that the popcorn does not get smashed.
  6. Once it is combined, place the baking pan into the oven!
  7. Bake for 1 hour. *Here is the trick, you must stir the Crackle Corn every 15 minutes while it is baking. I find it easier just to set the timer for every 15 minutes so that I do not forget to stir it!
  8. On the last 15 minute cycle, add the peanuts, chocolate chips, and pretzels.
  9. Once it’s finished baking, add the snickers and mix well.
  10. Pour the Christmas Snickers Munch onto aluminum foil that has been sprayed with cooking spray and cool completely.
Recipe by LemonPeony at https://lemonpeony.com/homemade-christmas-munch-recipe/