Young Living Savvy Minerals Makeup!

Young Living Makeup

Y’all, I’m SOOO excited about the NEW Young Living Savvy Minerals Makeup!

Young Living has done it again by offering us products to embrace health and wellness in EVERY area of our lives… including MAKEUP & BEAUTY! You all know that makeup is my best friend and I pretty much blow my budget every month on trying new products, well now I’m so excited because there is no more choosing between beauty and healthy & wellness with Young Living Savvy Minerals Makeup!

Young Living bought Sweet Savvy Minerals & is now going to bring you a new line of beauty products!!

See all of the NEW Savvy Minerals Makeup Products by Young Living here!

It’s time to embrace these Everyday Essentials and combine beauty with safety! Safety for our skin and safety for our health! We will learn even more about this beauty brand over time, and I will for sure be bringing you beauty tips and makeup tutorials with these fun items!

The makeup is NOW AVAILABLE to order! I’m SOO excited to share these awesome products with you!

Now is the time to join my team and embrace health and wellness in your home! Become a Young Living Member TODAY and get ALL of this for FREE from me!

Free Reference Book
$20 Amazon Gift Card
FREE Lime or Orange Vitality Oil


This offer is valid when you order a Premium Starter Kit and become a Young Living Member using Member ID 1714306. Please send your name and e-mail address to [email protected] for confirmation.

Here’s How to Order Essential Oils & everything that is included!

With the Young Living Premium Starter Kit you will get the following 11 Essential Oils (5 ml bottles)!…

Thieves Vitality
Lemon Vitality
Peppermint Vitality
Copaiba Vitality
DiGize Vitality
Stress Away

You will also get the Dewdrop Diffuser, a Roller Ball topper, 10 Sample Packets, 2 NingXia Red Samples, and Informational Literature. 

The Premium Starter Kit is $160, which is an AWESOME deal considering that you get 11 oils to try and a great diffuser!

Savvy Minerals for Face

Savvy Minerals Foundation

Savvy Minerals Blush

Savvy Minerals Bronzer

Savvy Minerals Veil

Savvy Minerals Eyes

Savvy Minerals Multitasker

Savvy Minerals Eyeliner

Savvy Minerals Lips

Savvy Minerals Lipstick

Savvy Minerals Lip Gloss

Savvy Minerals Shadow and Spray

Savvy Minerals Eye Shadow

Savvy Minerals Misting Spray


Savvy Minerals Makeup Brush Set *not yet available*

I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to try the blush and foundation! Just look at those colors!

seed to seal

No more choosing between beauty and safety because YOUNG LIVING’S GONNA DO IT RIGHT!

Young Living is an amazing company that promotes wellness, purpose, and abundance! Thank you YL for insisting on the diamond standard of ingredients and NEVER sacrificing quality to make a buck!

Which products are you ready to try?! If you’ve ever considered Essential Oils for your family, now is the time! There is a new Seedlings Baby Line, as well as Sunscreen, Insect Repellant and more FDA and OTC approved items where we can dive into how they can really change your life and help your body in so many different ways!

What are you waiting for?! Join me! Here’s how you can order the Premium Starter Kit and become a Wholesale Member! There is no monthly order obligation and no strings attached! You will get a HUGE kit of goodies and opportunity to earn up to 20% back on each order! Plus, you will have access to all of these great products to promote health and wellness at home with your family, friends, and loved ones!

Here is more information on how to get started and why I use Young Living Essential Oils!

My goal is to educate and empower my team to use these oils and promote lifestyles of health and wellness with everyday essentials. I would love for you to join me! Please let me know if you have ANY questions! What are you waiting for!? Let’s get started now!

Click here to join my team! 

Savvy Minerals Makeup

This line, and the baby line, and the sunscreen and bug repellant, are so incredibly worth the long wait and hard work!

Now, here’s what you really want to know… How do YOU order these amazing products?!

They are NOW available!!! If you are already a Young Living Member, you will have to place a quick order – however, they become available for Essential Rewards orders on July 1, 2017!

Not taking advantage of our amazing loyalty program and getting cash back on your purchases? Now that we have makeup and baby products, “ER” is a no brainer.

Check out this 3 min video on how you can save money with Essential Rewards –

Log into Virtual Office, Click ‘Essential Rewards’ on the left-hand side, and follow the prompts. It’s super easy, and SO worth it!!

And now that we have ALL these amazing products, you can easily and passionately share with others and receive a “Thank You” check from Young Living. Use that money to pay for more makeup (Yes, this is where my extra money goes), baby products, supplements, cleaning supplies, oils, and more….or pay down debt, pay your bills, buy that fancy pair of shoes you’ve always wanted, or build wealth. Getting out of debt and building wealth are two HUGE reasons I love sharing Young Living!

If you haven’t heard about what Young Living can offer you financially, and the opportunity it brings you and your family, check out this 5 minute video:

And don’t forget the Income Disclosure Statement:

YES! Those numbers are real!!

Here are even more of the NEW Young Living Products available now! 

Young Living Products

Plus, here are EVEN MORE of the NEW products from Young Living!


New supplements! YAY!! These supplements include an amino acid (Aminowise), which is a wolfberry lemonade flavor.

Super Cal Plus

And Super Cal Plus – another for calcium supplementation!!


A precious little baby line that is for newborn babies (Seedlings) with diaper rash cream, wipes, baby oil, linen spray, baby lotion, and more!!! The wipes can even double as makeup remover wipes!

A safe DEET-free “Insect Repellant” with clinical trials showing 30% more efficacy compared to other “natural” insect repellents….  SO AWESOME! Love that we can talk about this for what it is! Sunscreen!!!!! Yes, SUNSCREEN! “After Sun Spray” that’s for sunburn, pain, and itchy skin! And new diffuser that has a 10 hour run tim! WHAT?!?!


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